I decided to go to Scotland, Edinburgh from the 3rd August to the 17th.
I studied in a school called EDINBURGH SCHOOL OF ENGLISH. The school is located in an old church and it is placed at the heart of the city, in the most well known street of Edinburgh, that is, the Royal Mile.
Regarding the course in this school I have to say that it was one devoted to English language teaching methodology. Because of that all of us there were teachers of English of both, Primary and Secudary education.
The course was great as it was very interesting. We were taught how to teach the different skills by using different techniques and activities such as games, songs, computers. Lessons were very active since all pupils there were taking part all the time. Besides, we were just 9 pupils in the class and all of us were from different nationalities. In the evenings we had some activities like Scotish dancing, going to pubs or some visits aroud the city, although I have to say that some of these activities were not very well organized.
On the whole, I greatly recomend this course and this school to anyone who wants to learn about methodology.
Edinburg Park and Edinburgh Castle